2024 Brags!

Karla Niessing and Lilah finish their Novice Buried and Advanced Container titles!


Karla Niessing and Sterling earn their 2st 2 BN legs with great scores!


Patti Rovtar and Seeker earn their CGC and Trick Dog Novice titles!


Karla Niessing and Sterling earn their SHDM title!

Karla and Lilah earn their SHDN title!


Karla Niessing and Lilah and Sterling BOTH earn their Level 1 Vehicle search titles!


Michele Mauldin and Stewie take WD/BOW at the Rottie Club of NM specialty, and WD/BOW again that weekend for more points! Spike wins an Award of Merit!


Sherry Rogers and Dylan take WD for another point in NM!

Pam Long and Tripp finish their Advanced Exterior scent work title!


Pam Long and almost 12 year old Atta earn Qs in Master Interior and Master Exterior! Atta also wins the Judges Choice award at the Scent work trial!


Seren finishes her Master Interior title and picks up 2 Advanced Buried legs!  Jemma makes her scent work debut and finishes titles in Novice Buried, Novice Interior, Novice Exterior, and picks up 2 legs in Novice Containers!


Pam  Long and Tripp finish their Grad Open title in obedience!


Micah (shown by his owner Michelle Amtower) takes WD for his first point at this first show!

Karla Niessing and Lilah earn her RATO title in one weekend!
Michele Mauldin and Stewie earn his RN title in one weekend with great scores!
Gabbi finished out 2023 as the #3 Rottweiler in Advanced Rally, #1 Rottweiler in Excellent, and #3 in Master!
Dia was the 2023 #7 ranked Rottweiler in Utility in very limited showing!
Seren earned her ARC Gold Production award!
Rachel Meehan and Obi earn their RN title at ARC Nationals, and 2 BN legs!
At ARC Nationals Mary Wroth and Trooper win Reserve High in Trial Agility! Trooper also earned herding legs in Started Cattle and Started Sheep!
Michelle Amtower and Micah earn their first BCAT leg!
Karla Niessing and Lilah finish their RATN title!
Booker picks up 2 more Qs in Utility B with placements! Nate earns his 9th UDX leg with High Combined and winning the OB and UB classes! Seren pickes up 2 more triple Qs in Scent Work and a High Combined awards and 2 Triple High Combined!
Karla Niessing and Lilah earn their SIN and SCN titles at Lilah's first scent work trial!
Dia earns her 1st 2 UDX legs with placements!  She also takes WB/BOW in St. Paul for 2 more points, then in Madison takes WB/BOW all three days for 6 points!
Booker picks up 2 Utility Qs and more OM points! Booker receives and invite to the AKC National Obedience Championship as the #1 Collie!
Nate picks up UDX legs #7 and 8, and finishes his OM1 title, 2 High in Trials and 2 High Combined!
Seren picks up 4 more Rally triple Qs with 4 High Combined awards and 3 High Triple Combined awards!
Julie Brodbeck and Blaze finish their RN title!
Karla Niessing and Lilah earn their first RATN leg in Barn Hunt!
Michelle Amtower and Micah (14 months) earn a Puppy Group 3!
2023 Brags!
Dia takes WB/BOS over specials for 2 more points!
Michele Mauldin and Spike and Stewie both earn their ASCA Started sheep title!
Seren earns her first 2 Rally triple Qs with a High Combined and perfect 200!
Mary Wroth and Trooper finish their Preferred Master Jumpers title and Herding Started Cattle title!
Karla Niessing and Sterling finish their SHDE, SEM, SIM, and overall SWM scent work titles!
Pam Long and Tripp finish their CDX title!
Michele Mauldin and Stewie take a major reserve at his first show, then takes WD for 2 points!
Sherry Rogers and Dillon take 2 major reserves at his first shows, then takes WD for 2 points!
Rachel Meehan and Obi pick up their first point from the puppy class and take BOSS in Sweeps at the Northstar Rottweiler Club specialty!
Dia new UD title!  Dia also hit the show ring and took WB/BOW at the Northstar Rottweiler Club specialty for a major!  Dia has picked up points at every entered weekend and is now up to 9 points total.  She also finished her RE title!
Pam Long and Atta finish her overall SWE title , and her SIM title!
Gabbi finishes her RACH, RAE2, and RM3 titles!
Booker finishes his RM, and UD with a Utility win, and earns his 1st UDX leg!
Nate finishes his RE, UD and earns 6 UDX legs, 3 High Combined awards and a High in Trial!
2022 Brags!
Karla Niessing and Sterling finish their SEE and SIE titles, which completes their Scent Work Excellent overall title! Sterling also earned his NW2 his first try!  
Karla and Anna finish their AKC SW Detective title and their NACSW Elite Championship!
Michele Mauldin and Spike win a Group 1 and 3 in New Mexico!
Karla Niessing and Sterling finish their SIA, SEA, and overall Scent Work Advanced title!
Mary Wroth and Trooper finish their Herding Started title on sheep!
Karla Niessing and Sterling finish their Excellent Buried title and earn two legs in Advanced Exterior!
Pam Long and Tripp finish their RE title and earn 2 CD legs!
Pam Long and Atta earn legs for SIE, SEE, and SBE!
Gabbi finishes her RAE title and REM titles, and earns her 1st SBM leg!
Dia finishes her SEE title and earns her 2nd SBA leg!
Nate finishes his SIN title!
Booker finishes his SEA title!
Seren earns her first SIM leg!
July 31 we celebrated the 10th birthdays of the entire A Litter!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gabbi, Anna, Rizzo, Atta, Stryder and Deek!!
Pam Long and Tripp finish their RA title and earn 2 RE legs!
Karla Niessing and Sterling finish their Excellent Container title and earn their 2nd Excellent Buried leg!
Michele Mauldin and Spike finish their Advanced Exterior and Advanced Interior titles!
Gabbi picks up 4 more Rally TQs with all perfect scores except one, including 3 High Combined awards and 2 High Triple Combined!
Nate makes his Rally debut and earns his RN with 3 perfect scores!
Booker earns 4 more RM legs!
Pam Long and Tripp finish her BN title and earn 2 RA legs!
Gabbi earns 2 more Rally triple Qs, with 2 High Combined and a High Triple Combined!
Dia earns her 2nd GO leg, her 1st RA leg, and finishes her NAJ title!
Booker finishes his GO and NAJ titles, and earns his 1st RM leg and 2nd NA leg!
Gabbi finishes her SCE and SWE titles, and picks up her 2nd SEM leg!
Dia finishes her SBN, SWN, and SIA titles and earns her 1st SBA leg!
Pam Long and Tripp finish her SCN title and earn 2 SIA legs!
Pam and Atta finish her SCA and SBA titles!
Booker and Dia make their Agility debut and earn their 1st NA leg and 2 NAJ legs!
New AKC Grand Champion Spike! Owner Michele Mauldin.  3 Selects and back to back majors, including Select at the NM Rottweiler club specialty!
Mary Wroth and Trooper earn their first AKC Started sheep leg with a 92.5 and High Scoring Rottweiler at the Colonial Rottweiler Club trials!
Michele Mauldin and Spike finish their RI title!
Dia finishes her CDX title in 3 trials, and earned her 1st GO leg!
Booker picked up 2 GO legs!
Gabbi earned another triple Q with all perfect scores in Rally and a High Combined and High Triple Combined!
Karla Niessing and Sterling earn their NW1 title!
Karla and Anna have earned 8 Detective legs in scent work!
Mary Wroth and Trooper finish their Excellent Jumpers Preferred title!
Pam Long and Tripp earned 2 BN legs and finished their RI title!
Dia finished her RN and CD titles, and earned her 1st CDX leg!
Booker finished his CDX and RE titles!
Gabbi picked up 2 triple Qs in Rally with 5 perfect scores and a High Combined and High Triple Combined awards!
Pam Long and Atta finish their RE title!
Michelle Mauldin and Spike finish their BN title!
Seren earns her Bronze Production award!
2021 Brags!
Gabbi finished her Rally Master title, and Advanced and Excellent Buried titles!
Booker earns his 1st CDX leg with a 198!
Dia earns her BN title with scores of 199, 200, and 200!
Pam Long and Atta finish her SEA and SIA titles!  Tripp earns her SIN SEN titles!
Michele Mauldin and Spike pick up 2 majors for their GCH, a Group 2, 3, and 4!! Spike also earned his RN, SCN and SIN titles!
Karla Niessing and Anna finish their overall Scent Work Master title and earn 4 Detective legs!
Karla Niessing and Sterling finish his CH, GCH, overall Scent Work Novice title, and SBA title!!
Mary Wroth and Trooper earn his PT, NAP, NJP and OJP titles!
Pam Long and Tripp earn their RN title!  Atta earns her RN title!
Gabbi finished her Master Interior title and earned 4 more Rally Master legs!
Seren finished her Master Exterior title and Excellent Interior title!
Booker earned his CD, RA, SEN, SBN, SWN, and SIA titles!!
Dia earns her SIN and SEA titles!
Pam Long and Atta finish their UKC OCH title!!!
Michele Mauldin and Spike finished his AKC Championship and earned his ASCA Started cattle title!
Karla Niessing and Sterling pick up THREE more majors for a total of 14 points!
2020 Brags! 
Booker finishes his RN title with another score of a 100!
Michele Mauldin and Spike take WD for 2 more points and just need a major to finish!
Karla Niessing and Sterling win WD/BOW at MRC specialty for a 4 point major, and finishes his SCNE and SBN titles in Scent Work!
Karla and Anna finish their overall Scent Work Excellent title!
Mary Wroth and Trooper earns his  CPE Level 1 Nose Work title!
Gabbi finishes her Obedience Master 2 title, picks up more OTCH points, finishes her SW Advanced Buried title, overall Scent Work Advanced title, and earns her 1st Master Interior leg!
Dia finishes her Novice Container title!
Booker earns 2 RN legs and his 1st Novice Buried leg!
Karla Niessing and Sterling earn his AKC Novice Buried title, and SW Novice Container Elite title!
Gabbi finishes her Excellent Interior title!
Seren finishes her Advanced Interior title, Excellent Exterior title and earns her 1st Master Exterior leg!
Booker earns his Novice Interior title!
Dia earns her Novice Exterior title!
Michele and Spike win Best Puppy CRC Virtual Sweepstakes!
Michele Mauldin and Spike earn their TDX title, at 10 months old!!
Gabbi takes High in Trial from the Open B class!
Spike and Michele Mauldin wins Best in Sweeps AND WD at the Grand Canyon State specialty, then the next day takes BOW for a major!  At 10 months old Spike just needs one major to finish!
Sterling and Karla Niessing take WD for his 1st point!
Trooper and Mary Wroth compete at their 1st Scent Work trial and earn their CPE Novice Containers title!
2019 Brags!
Anna and Karla Niessing have finished their SWA title in AKC Scent Work, and earned their Excellent titles in Buried, Containers, Interiors and Handler Discrimination!
Pam Long and Atta earn their NW2 their 1st attempt!
Michele Mauldin and Spike are on a roll, earning all his minor points from the 6-9 class!  Spike also passed his tracking certification!
Dia wins the 6-9 class at MRC and places 2nd in sweeps!
Gabbi wins an Open B class and picks up more OTCH points!
Seren finishes her CDX title with a High in Trial from the OB class!
Michele Mauldin and Spike take WD their first weekends out for 5 single points from the 6-9 class, including a BOB!
Karla Niessing and Sterling place in every 6-9 class and sweeps at MRC, AND he earns his TD title at 7 months!
Booker earns his SCN title at his first AKC Scent Work trial!
Seren picks up 2 SCA legs, finishes her SEA title, earns her 1st SEE leg and a High in Trial in Advanced!
Gabbi finishes her SEE title and earns her 1st SCE leg!
Pam Long and Atta earn her NW1 title!
Joe & Nicole Donny and Wrigley pick up his 1st point at 6 months old!
Michele Mauldin and Spike compete in the 4-6 month puppy class at their first show and earn 2 BOB Puppy wins!
Karla Niessing and Sterling win Best Male Puppy at the MRC/ARC Regional Sieger Show, AND passes his AKC Tracking Certification!
Seren earns her 1st GN leg!
Gabbi finishes her PCDX title!
Karla Niessing and Anna earn her TD title!
March 21 Seren gave birth to 7 beautiful babies.  See our Puppies page for more info!
Pam Long and Atta finish their UDX title and pick up their 1st UDX2 leg!!
Seren finishes her CD title!
Pam Long and Atta pick up UDX leg #9!
Booker earns his RATN title at his first Barn Hunt trial!
Nancy Pett and Deek finish their UD title!
Pam Long and Atta earn UDX legs # 7 and 8!
Seren earns 2 CD legs with scores of 199.5 and 198.5, and TWO High in Trials!
2018 Brags!
Seren finishes her SCN and SIN titles, which also finished her overall AKC SWN title!
Nancy Pett and Deek earn their NW2 on their first try with 3 pronounced ratings!
Pam Long and Atta finish their Novice Exterior and Buried titles, which also finishes their overall AKC Novice Scent Work title!
Karla Niessing and Anna finish their NW Elite 2 title!!
Deek and Nancy Pett competed in their 1st AKC Scent Work trial and came away with 6 new titles!! SHDN, SEN, SBN, SIN, SCN, and SWN!!!
Anna and Karla Niessing finish her SWN, SHDN, and SIA Scent Work titles!
Gabbi earns her 2nd SEE leg!
Seren finishes her SBN title and earns 2 SEA legs!  Seren also earned her 2nd BN leg with a 199 and her 1st RE leg, then finishes those  titles with a 199.5 in BN, and a 99 and 100 in RE!
Pam Long and Atta pick up more OTCH  points and a High in Trial!
Gabbi finishes her SEA title and earns her 1st SEE leg!
Seren earns her 2nd SBN leg and finishes her SEN title!
Deek and Nancy Pett finish his CDX in one weekend!
Atta and Pam Long pick up UDX leg #5!  Atta also finishes her SIN and SCN titles in AKC Scent Work!
Atta and Pam Long pick up UDX legs #3 and 4, along with an Open B win and more OTCH points!!
Deek and Nancy Pett earn their CD in one weekend!
Gabbi finishes her Novice Exterior title and overall Scent Work Novice title, and earns her 1st Advanced Exterior leg!
Seren makes her Scent Work debut and earns 2 Novice Container legs, 2 Novice Interior legs, and 1 Novice Buried leg!
Gabbi finishes 3 Scent Work titles, Novice Interior, Advanced Interior, and Novice Buried!  She also earned 2 Novice Exterior legs and 2 Advanced Buried legs, and a Novice High in Trial!
Pam Long and Atta pick up UDX leg #2, a Utility win and her 1st OTCH points!
Jeremy Schuster and Gage earn 2 PCD legs, their Carting Started AND Intermediate titles!
Seren earns her RA title with 2 perfect scores of 100!  She earned her 1st BN leg and finished her RATO title!
Seren earns her RN title with 3 perfect scores!
Pam Long and Atta earned their 1st UDX leg, AND 1st AKC Scent Work legs in Novice Containers and Novice Interiors!
Seren made her debut in the breed ring and took WB for her 1st point!
Gabbi competed in 2 AKC Scent Work trials and finished her SCN and SCA titles! She also earned 2 legs in Novice Buried AND Novice Interiors! 
Karla Niessing and Anna earned 2 legs in AKC Novice Containers!

Nancy Pett and Deek earn his NW1 title their first try, receiving a Pronounced in Interiors, Containers, and Vehicles!!

Seren earns her RATN title and picks up 2 RATO legs, all in the same weekend!
Kaylynn Cooper and Stryder earn their 2nd RATN leg!
Noel earns her TKN, TKI and TKA trick dog titles!
2017 Brags!
Fall 2017
Jeremy Schuster and Gage finish their BN and RI titles!
Gabbi finishes her UDX and OM1 titles!
Noel earns her UKC Novice Nose Work title, earning all 8 legs in one weekend doing searches in interiors, exteriors, containers and vehicles!
Pam Long and Atta finish their UD!
Nancy Pett and Deek finish their PUDX!
Karla Niessing and Anna earn their 1st Handler Discrimination leg in AKC Scent Work!
Jeremy Schuster and Gage earn their CGC title!
Nancy Pett and Deek earn their 7th PUDX leg!
Karla Niessing and Anna finish their NW3 Elite title!
Jeremy Schuster and Gage earn their RN title, and their TKN and TKI AKC Trick Dog titles!
Gabbi earns UDX leg #7! 
Noel picks up her 2nd RAE2 leg with a High Combined Rally!


Anna and Karla Niessing earned the 2nd leg of her NW3 Elite title with a 2nd place (over 30 dogs competing)!  Anna completed ALL 4 searches - vehicle, interior (3 rooms), exterior and container in 7 minutes 10 seconds!!

Atta and Pam Long earn their 1st UD leg, and finish their RATO title!  Atta also passed her Nose Work ORT certification in Birch, Anise and Clove!


Noel earns her 1st RAE2 leg with another High Combined Rally and 2 perfect scores!

Deek and Nancy Pett finish his RAE2 title, and are up to 5 PUDX legs and 4 RAE3 legs!
Gabbi makes the top ten obedience Rottweilers for 2016 in Open and Noel makes the top ten for Rally Advanced and Rally Excellent!

Deek and Nancy Pett pass Birch, Anise and Clove at the ORT Nose Work test!

Gabbi and Noel both finish their RATN titles at the Barn Hunt trial with first placements, and baby Seren passes her RAT Instinct test!

Atta and Pam Long finish her GO title, with all 1st placements!

Gabbi picks up another Utility win and 4 more OTCH points!


Nancy Pett and Deek pick up PUDX legs 4 and 5, several POTCH points, and 2 High Combined awards!

2016 Brags!!

Atta and Pam Long take WB for her final 2 points to finish her AKC Championship, and finish her Novice Barn Hunt title!
Gabbi picked up UDX leg #6!
Noel finishes her RAE title!
Deek and Nancy Pett earn his 2nd and 3rd PUDX legs!
Anna and Karla Niessing earn their NW3 title on their first try!

Atta and Pam Long earn Atta's Dock Senior title in one weekend, required 7 jumps over 15 feet!  Atta also finished her UCDX title in one weekend, with scores of 192, 199 and 197!
Gabbi picks up UDX legs #3,4 and 5!
Noel picks up 4 RAE legs and is up to 5!

Gabbi and Noel both certify in all three scents Birch, Anise and Clove, for Nosework trials! 
Gabbi also picks her her 2nd UDX leg, a Utility win, and 2 OTCH points!
Atta takes WB/BOW for 2 more points, needs two points to finish!

Pam Long and Atta finish their CDX title!

Gabbi finishes her UD title and earns her 1st UDX leg!

Nancy Pett and Deek earn his 1st PUDX leg!
Pam Long and Atta earn her 1st CDX and GO legs!

Atta and Pam Long take WB/BOW for a 4 point major in Perry, GA, and just need 4 minor points to finish!
Stryder (Kaylynn Cooper) is awarded five V-1 ratings at the International show in MN, and finishes his Int CH!

THEN.... the very next weekend finishes his UKC Championship with 4 BOB wins, a Group 2 and two Group 3's!

Gabbi picks up 2 UD legs her first weekend out in Utility!

  Deek and Nancy Pett earn his 6th, 7th & 8th RAE2 legs!
Atta and Pam Long finish her UCD title in one weekend!

Stryder (Kaylynn Cooper) passes his RATI instinct test and earned his 1st RATN leg!
Pam Long and Atta take WB/BOW for 2 more points in Atlanta!

Noel earns her 1st RATN leg, and takes 2nd to her daughter Gabbi with a time of 46 seconds!
Gabbi earns 2 RATN legs with a 1st place and time of 29 seconds!

Noel wins the Utility B class at the Land o Lakes trials in St. Paul, MN, also picking up her 4th UDX2 leg! 
Gabbi earns her 2nd Grad Open leg with a 195!

2015 Brags!!

Noel finishes the year as the #2 obedience Rottweiler in the country and receives an invitation to the AKC National Obedience Invitational AND the 1st Westminster Kennel Club Obedience Championship!

Gabbi finishes her CDX! 
Noel picks up her 3rd UDX2 leg!

Noel finishes her OM3 title, picks up another Open B win with a High in Trial! 
Gabbi picks up 2 CDX legs, and Open B win and a High in Trial!
Atta and Pam Long finished their CD in one weekend!
Deek and Nancy Pett finish his PUTD (Pre Utility) title all with 1st placements!


Anna with Karla Niessing finish her L1V (Level 1 Vehicle) Nosework title!  Anna had to search 4 different areas with multiple vehicles to find the hides, way to go Anna!

Atta (Pam Long) takes WB in Atlanta for 1 point, then WB/BOW the next day for another point!

Noel finishes her OTCH and UDX on the same day, then the next day picked up her 1st UDX2 leg!!
Gabbi earned her 2nd PCDX leg!

Anna and Karla Neissing finish her NW2 title!  Anna got 3rd overall (over 50 dogs), 1st in Exterior search, finishing in 8 seconds!!.  And placed 3rd in Interior search, also receiving a Pronounced award in Interior and Exterior!

Noel gets 2 more Open wins and a Utility win with three High in Trials!  She is up to 98 OTCH points!
Atta and Pam Long earned 4 V-1 ratings at the international show and finished her Int. Championship!  Atta also earned all five legs for her Dock Diving Junior title her first weekend at a dock diving event!!
Gabbi finishes her RE title in one weekend with 2 first placements!
Nancy Pett and Deek are up to 5 RAE2 legs!!

Noel picks up a big Utility win, 9th UDX leg and is up to 90 OTCH points!
Gabbi finishes her Grad Novice title in one weekend, with scores of 195.5, 196.5 and 199, then picked up her first Grad Open leg with a 192.5!

Noel picks up another Open win and is up to 63 OTCH points and finishes her OM2 title!
Gabbi finishes her CD title with scores of 197 and 196.5, and earns her 1st PCDX leg with a 197!

Atta and Pam Long earn their BN title with a 198.5, 197 and 196, plus an extra Q with a 197.5!
Noel picks up another Utility win and 2 Open wins, her 7th and 8th UDX legs,  and is up to 56 OTCH points!  At the ARC Nationals Noel took High in Trial, Reserve High in Trial, and 2 High Combined awards!!!

Rizzo passes her CGC test!
Gabbi earns her 1st CD leg with a 195.5!
Deek and Nancy Pett finish his Pre Open title and earn his 1st Pre Utility leg!
Anna and Karla Niessing earned her Level 1 Interior title at the Nosework trial!   Anna completed all 4 searches in 2 1/2 minutes!

Deek qualifies and competes at AKC Rally Nationals in Excellent!

Gabbi places 2nd in the Advanced class at AKC Rally Nationals!!

Gabbi and Noel earn their RATI certificates at the Barn Hunt instinct test!
Deek and Nancy Pett finish his RAE title!!

Deek and Nancy Pett picked up 3 more RAE legs and are up to 8!
Gabbi finishes her BN title with another perfect 200!!

2014 Brags!!

Anna with Karla Niessing passed her Anise scent test and is now eligible for Level 2 Nosework trials!
Atta and Pam Long passes her Barn Hunt Instinct test for her RATI title, and earns 2 Novice Barn Hunt legs with an award for High Scoring Novice Dog and a time of 30 seconds!

Noel picks up UDX legs #5 & 6 and is up to 42 OTCH points!
Gabbi finishes her RA title and earns 2 BN legs with scores of 199.5 and a perfect 200!!

Atta and Pam Long hit the shows and get a 3 point major, and the same weekend take RWB (to a 4 point major) at the Dogwood Rottweiler specialty!!

Noel earns a 198 in Open B to finish her OM1 title, then picks up 2 Open wins and 2 High in Trials, and is up to 38 OTCH points!!
Gabbi finishes her RN title with a perfect score and 1st place!
Deek and Nancy Pett finished his RE, with 3 perfect scores of 100,  AND finished his PCD titleAND earned 4 RAE legs!

Anna and Karla Niessing earned their Nose Work 1 title, with a 2nd in container search and overall 2nd High in Trial!!  Anna finished all 4 searches in 1 minute and 29 seconds, wow!!

Noel earns her 4th UDX leg and is up to 34 OTCH points!
Gabbi picks up 2 RN legs with scores of 100 and 99!

Noel earns her 3rd UDX leg and with several more Utility placements is up to 29 OTCH points!
Deek and Nancy Pett finish his RA and BN titles!!

Deek and Nancy Pett finish their RN title with high scores, qualifying for them for the 2015 AKC Rally Nationals, then picked up their 1st BN and RA legs!!
Anna, with Karla Niessing, passed her Odor Recognition Test and is now eligible for Nosework trials!
Noel qualifies for the AKC Obedience Classic in December!

Deek picks up 2 RN legs with a 99 and 100 his first time in the ring!
Noel picks up 7 more OTCH points and her Utility B win!

Atta and Pam Long pass her TT through the American Temperament Test Society!
Noel picks up her 2nd UDX leg, 14 OTCH points and 2 Open B wins in 1 weekend!!

Noel earns her 2nd and 3rd UD legs, with 194 1/2 and 190 1/2, and picks up her 1st UDX leg!
Stryder and Kaylynn Cooper earn his BN and RN titles, and passes the CGCA test!
Noel picks up her 1st UD leg with a first place and score of 195!

2013 Brags, Brags, Brags!

Stryder takes WD/BOW for his 1st point from the 12-18 class!
Gabbi and Stryder pass their CERF exam!

Paloma and Scott have picked up 8 RAE legs!

*Sula and Scott finish her CDX!
All 6 puppies from the A litter pass their OFA Dentition exams!

*Gabbi, Stryder, and Anna ALL earn their Herding Instinct Certificates at 10 months!

*Pam Long and Atta (Scocars Atta Girl Wins the Gold) CGC HIC earned her Canine Good Citizen title at 9 months!
*Nancy Pett and Deek (Scocars Altius Citius Fortius) CGC earned his Canine Good Citizen title at 9 months!
*Kaylynn Cooper and Stryder (Scocars A Passing of the Torch) CGC earned his Canine Good Citizen at 9 months!

*Pam Long and Atta (Scocars Atta Girl Wins the Gold) HIC earned her Basic Herding Instinct title at 8 months!
*Scott and Maya earned 2 RN legs!
*Scott and Paloma earn 3 RAE legs, all with High Combined Rally awards!

*Noel qualified for the AKC National Rally competition in Tulsa, OK!

*Gabbi took RWB at her first weekend of showing in Des Moines at 6 months old!

*Scott and Maya earned her CDX title in one weekend, all with 1st placements!
*Scott and Sula picked up 2 CDX legs, the 2nd leg with a 194.5 and 3rd place in Open B!
*Noel earned a 195.5 and 3rd place in Open B!

2012 Brags, Brags, Brags!

*Kaylynn Cooper and Stryder (Scocars A Passing of the Torch) won Best Novice Puppy at their first UKC show, at 4 months old!

*Sula and Scott earned her BH at the Great River Working Dog Assoc. trials in WI!  Sula was the highest scoring BH dog!
*Noel earned her BH and STP1 (random article search) titles!

No competitions for us over the summer as Noel's pregnancy is confirmed (see Puppies page for more info) and Scott is traveling for work until mid-August.  We'll be hitting the shows again this fall!

*In April Noel finished her CDX with a 190.5 and another 1st placement!  She also finished her RE title!
*Scott and Maya earned 3 AKC CD legs in one weekend, all with 1st placements!

*Noel picked up 2 RA legs with scores of 99 and 100, and 1st and 3rd placements, then finished her RA in February with another perfect score and 3rd place!

*Noel earned her 2nd CDX leg in January with a 195.5 and 1st place!